Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Duplex anyone?

Okay, let me be more specific Duplex Kidney anyone? Ethan was diagnosed with a duplex kidney, and thickened bladder wall contributing to primary enurises last summer (2006). Now they think Jovie may have kidney issues as well. Thankfully they ruled kidney reflux out with Ethan, but the doctor thinks Jovie may have kidney reflux.

If she does have kidney reflux, the initial treatment isn't so bad and is supposed to be non-invasive. Too bad the testing isnt :( Specifically the VCUG. That was not very pleasant for Ethan to say the least. It involves cathertization and a litre or more of dye and saline pushed into the bladder to see if it refluxes into the kidneys. They keep pushing the fluid in until the child (or adult) can not hold it any longer and they are told to "go ahead and tee-tee on the table".

Ethan was quite miserable and humiliated by the whole process. Jovie is just going to get pissed off. Yes my three year old is going to be pissed. I can hear her now "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!!!" "YOU BETTER STOP THIS NOOOWWWW". Oh I am so not looking forward to this.

They can't give her any sedatives or anything to relax her because she needs to hold her tee-tee as long as possible. If they are relaxed, they may not hold it. Ok, they can't give her anything, but can I have some Valium to get through it? Please?