Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Duplex anyone?

Okay, let me be more specific Duplex Kidney anyone? Ethan was diagnosed with a duplex kidney, and thickened bladder wall contributing to primary enurises last summer (2006). Now they think Jovie may have kidney issues as well. Thankfully they ruled kidney reflux out with Ethan, but the doctor thinks Jovie may have kidney reflux.

If she does have kidney reflux, the initial treatment isn't so bad and is supposed to be non-invasive. Too bad the testing isnt :( Specifically the VCUG. That was not very pleasant for Ethan to say the least. It involves cathertization and a litre or more of dye and saline pushed into the bladder to see if it refluxes into the kidneys. They keep pushing the fluid in until the child (or adult) can not hold it any longer and they are told to "go ahead and tee-tee on the table".

Ethan was quite miserable and humiliated by the whole process. Jovie is just going to get pissed off. Yes my three year old is going to be pissed. I can hear her now "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!!!" "YOU BETTER STOP THIS NOOOWWWW". Oh I am so not looking forward to this.

They can't give her any sedatives or anything to relax her because she needs to hold her tee-tee as long as possible. If they are relaxed, they may not hold it. Ok, they can't give her anything, but can I have some Valium to get through it? Please?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

E Coli. Are you kidding me?

Seriously. Can my kids not just get a normal cold or something? No they get things like "Many different strains of Bacteria, including E Coli" in thier urine.

Dallas had E Coli when she was about 8. She got it from a can of Spam. I personally won't eat the stuff, but my kids like it and one day she ate 1/2 a can for lunch. She got sick (I will leave out the gross parts) with flu like symptoms so we went to the doctor. They did a urine culture and she had E Coli. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad because we caught it in time and she just had to take antibiotics for two weeks.

Now, six years later, Jovie gets E Coli. From what, who the hell knows. She not only has E Coli, but "many different strains of bacteria" in her culture. We also caught hers early so only two weeks of antibiotis and recheck her urine in two weeks.

Two years ago Dallas was hospitalized with complications from Gingovastomatitis. Yeah, say that 10 times fast. kids don't get normal things, like a cold. Oh sure, they may get a cold for a day, but it almost always turns into something nasty like bronchitis or sinus infection or anything that needs an antibiotic.

The kids pediatrician says my kids like to keep things complicated and she likes it because it keeps her on her toes. I think what she means is she likes it because it keeps shoes on her toes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Okay, my "old" computer won't turn on, this one kinda sucks, so, is this font too big? Was the font in the last post too little or just right?

OMG! I have a job interview tomorrow morning. I was kind of looking for a job but not too seriously. This position would be perfect. Same thing I do now only MUCH closer to my home, about 35 miles closer.

Needless to say I am extremely nervous. I have been on one interview in 13 years. This is my third job in that time frame, but I never had to go on an interview. I am so afraid I am going to mess up. What if I say the wrong thing?

I like my job just fine now. It has many perks, especially since I work for family. But a few major downfalls, like "am I going to get a paycheck this week", it is about 48 miles from my home, and there are not any benefits.

I really want to work for the school system, but they normally don't have opening until fall. For us that means July. Yes, school for my kids starts in July. This year they started July 27th. They get out the end of May. So, my kids have been in school for almost two full months now. I hate their schedule, but really want to be able to be there for my kids after school and during the seven weeks they get for summer.

Okay anyway, just send a prayer my way and wish me luck. I definitely need both.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Welcome to my blog. I figure I have had it for a while (over a year) so it was finally time to post an entry. Like gets a bit hectic (a bit who the hell am I kidding?) We are on the go six days a week!

Dallas is a freshman in highschool and plays on the Varsity softball team. She is a pitcher, but can play all positions except catcher. She is 108 lbs of pure muscle...0% body fat (what I wouldn't give to have even 10% body fat). She sees everything in black and white, it either is or isnt. She is a social butterfly and needs to have her phone surgerically removed from her ear everynight at 10:00 (much to her protest I might add). She had better get her butt in gear with school work though or her social status is gonna be non-existant.

Ethan is in third grade and plays football and basketball. He gave baseball a try for three seasons, but it just isn't his thing. He is an awsome football player, and a good basketball player. He is all boy. Wants to be in the military, a chef, a mechanic, a race car driver, a pro wrestler, a pro surfer...well you get the picture, when he grows up.

Then there's Jovie she is 3 going on 23. We call her the Barefoot-Paci-Softball Princess. Jovie is, well, Jovie. She is the one I need Super Nanny for. She is out of control, but very controling. It is her way or the highway. She has all the imagination and attitude her siblings only thought they had!

Then there's us, the parents. Let's see...everything we do we do for our kids. Time for ourselves? Well that occurs when the kids (all of them) ride to an activity with an aunt or grandmother. We actually get about 30 min ALONE in a vehicle to talk. I have the best husband in the world and couldn't ask for a better life. Well, yes I could, finances could always be better. I think being able to actually pay the bills would be a good thing.

Oh yah, if you want to criticize me, keep it to yourself. I'm not interested. I have no time for people who just want to look for ways to say negative things. This is my blog, and I plan on doing it my way! Not only do I live with, or dang close, to most of our family, I also work with family. So you folks reading this get to hear my vents. Lucky you.