Wednesday, September 19, 2007

OMG! I have a job interview tomorrow morning. I was kind of looking for a job but not too seriously. This position would be perfect. Same thing I do now only MUCH closer to my home, about 35 miles closer.

Needless to say I am extremely nervous. I have been on one interview in 13 years. This is my third job in that time frame, but I never had to go on an interview. I am so afraid I am going to mess up. What if I say the wrong thing?

I like my job just fine now. It has many perks, especially since I work for family. But a few major downfalls, like "am I going to get a paycheck this week", it is about 48 miles from my home, and there are not any benefits.

I really want to work for the school system, but they normally don't have opening until fall. For us that means July. Yes, school for my kids starts in July. This year they started July 27th. They get out the end of May. So, my kids have been in school for almost two full months now. I hate their schedule, but really want to be able to be there for my kids after school and during the seven weeks they get for summer.

Okay anyway, just send a prayer my way and wish me luck. I definitely need both.

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