Thursday, September 20, 2007

E Coli. Are you kidding me?

Seriously. Can my kids not just get a normal cold or something? No they get things like "Many different strains of Bacteria, including E Coli" in thier urine.

Dallas had E Coli when she was about 8. She got it from a can of Spam. I personally won't eat the stuff, but my kids like it and one day she ate 1/2 a can for lunch. She got sick (I will leave out the gross parts) with flu like symptoms so we went to the doctor. They did a urine culture and she had E Coli. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad because we caught it in time and she just had to take antibiotics for two weeks.

Now, six years later, Jovie gets E Coli. From what, who the hell knows. She not only has E Coli, but "many different strains of bacteria" in her culture. We also caught hers early so only two weeks of antibiotis and recheck her urine in two weeks.

Two years ago Dallas was hospitalized with complications from Gingovastomatitis. Yeah, say that 10 times fast. kids don't get normal things, like a cold. Oh sure, they may get a cold for a day, but it almost always turns into something nasty like bronchitis or sinus infection or anything that needs an antibiotic.

The kids pediatrician says my kids like to keep things complicated and she likes it because it keeps her on her toes. I think what she means is she likes it because it keeps shoes on her toes.

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